Monday, September 1, 2008

Bon voyage

Last night was the family gathering. We invited 15 people (pretty much the entirety of the family on my mother's side), and 12 showed up, much to my surprise. For a few nanoseconds I thought I'd get the pleasure of eating the feast that mom prepared, but the fam' started showing up a few minutes after our appointed time.

It never ceases to amaze me how people can set aside their own agendas when it comes to someone they care about. My grandfather and his second wife were there, in addition to my grandmother and her second husband, and although their divorce took place well before I was born, they were never on what I'd consider great terms. But they were friendly as could be.

I also got to see my cousin's 5-month old baby. Needless to say I'm already devising a plan to kidnap her and raise her as my own, as she was cute as could be.

Well my flight leaves on Friday and I am at the moment 100% unpacked. Duty calls....

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