Just as you may have guessed, I was the first to speak up. I shared my desire to work in a fascinating and lively city, and that I didn't care too much about the salary as long as I could live on it (and save a bit, mind you). I also said that I was intent on working in the communications field. I've seen far too many a student spend years studying Real Estate or Public Relations only to end up working as a waitress in a ski resort in Colorado or a four star hotel in New York City. I'm not knocking them - a job is a job - but it's important that I find a place where I will grow professionally. I'm really all about the growth these days. The money wouldn't hurt either, but I'm confident that will come.
Speaking of money - ouch. $100 on a bed, $25 on a desk (thanks Craig's List), plus $125 in groceries and $75 in truck rental fees (to move in) = me returning to broke undergraduate status. Funnily enough, I'm not TOO worried. We'll see where I end up in four months. I just hope wherever I end up tosses a few dollars my way.
Interesting link - I actually caught Oprah on TV yesterday, and guess who was the guest? None other than my favorite financial expert, Suze Orman. Turns out she is offering a free download of her latest book, Suze Orman's 2009 Action Plan, free at Oprah's website. Click the link to check it out!

Thanks for the link! I love Suze's show.
Me too! With any luck (and some prayer), we'll all get to the Financial Promised Land!
Welcome back to Athens! I didn't realize you still had another semester.
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