Esthero -
Breath From Another
So it's the night before my first test in graphic communications and I'm feeling fairly confident. I've never been much for conventional studying (i.e. cracking the book) but I always attend class and try to be as attentive as possible during the lectures. Plus, the content is fairly enjoyable (computer design, creative planning, colors, hues, and type). I think that counts for a lot. Or at least we'll see.
Tomorrow shapes up to be one hectic day - after the test, I have a graphics lecture, followed by rhetorical analysis. After that, I have two job interviews (hooray for that because poverty sucks) for part-time work in Athens. Somewhere in between the interviews and class, I need to spend at least 45 minutes at the Spring Career Fair. Though over 250 employers will be in attendance, I'm only interested in working for 6 or 7 of them. That's not a great ratio, and to top that off, I really shouldn't be so picky, given this increasingly poor economy.
O/T (or new topic? hm): I was talking on the phone for a few minutes - and I'm supposed to be studying for a test, right? Yeah I'm focused - and we were dicussing cultural differences. She works as a cashier at Wal-Mart, and she said that in general, the whites who appear to be middle-upper class seldom buy anything in bulk, and they never buy ready-to-make canned or boxed dinners. They prefer fresh produce and ingredients. E.g. buying frozen chicken, rice, and vegetables instead of Chef Boyardee or Campbell's Soup.
In contrast, she said that most black people (upper-class in appearance or otherwise) usually stick to quickie meals and processed products such as hot dogs, frozen bags of fries (Good God those are so bad for you but they are so GOOD!!!), and other shortcuts to a heart attack. I definitely empathize. Growing up with two full-time working parents, I never missed a meal, but a great deal of those meals were not good for me. Quick stops to McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A or Burger King often took place in lieu of mom or dad (I say both parents because raising children to think critically about the foods they eat is everyone's job). It also didn't help that I was a latchkey kid growing up, and often times I ate whatever I could get my hands on, and at times that even included items as bad as cake frosting! Yeah, I know. It's weird how thinking of the old days makes me happy and sad at the same time. But I'm thankful for everything that's happened in life, because at least I get to live.
ANYWAY - damn I have a penchant for ranting - I went to the store last night and bought all kinds of healthy stuff like chicken, fish, brown rice, spinach, broccoli, strawberries, grapes, apples, bananas, etc. Pretty smart buying, right? However, there was one item that I did buy and I have no clue as to why I did so. Maybe because I wanted to satisfy the inner child who always fantasized about going to the grocery store and being able to buy whatever he wanted. Who knows? But I bought these:

Pancakes On a Stick, brought to you by the
I'm a junk food addict. This I know. A junk food addict who works out at least four times a week, and freed himself from overweight status more than 2 years ago. But what I need to face is that addiction is something that you deal with everyday, so I'd do better to avoid buying any more of these things in the future. That goes for cookies (love to bake them and eat them with ice cream), cake, and virtually any other sweet baked good.
Ahh that's enough self-disclosure for one night. Back to graphics.