I am a pastry addict. I am a pastry addict living in Paris, land of pastries and all other known sweets. This is a serious problem. Already I have eaten two of these today:
You think they have a support group for this?
In other news, I turn 22 tomorrow! A friend from work has her 26th on Monday, so we are going to try and set up a joint birthday party for this Saturday at a restaurant/bar known as La Boca Chica. You can check it out here: La Boca Chica
Funny how I say "joint" birthday party, as I only have a handful of non-work related contacts here in Paris, and Claudia no doubt has tons. Nonetheless, fun is to be had, and have fun I shall.
Et voilà! Comme promis, j'ai jeté un coup d'oeil à ton blog, très sympa! Et je vois que j'ai l'honneur de poster le premier commentaire en français! Vu que tu es si fan des pains au chocolat, je te laisse et je te souhaite une très bonne soirée, en te disant que je dois aller préparer mon fameux gâteau pour demain!!
Hey Baron! That pastry does look quite tasty, especially since I had crap for breakfast this morning and I'll probably work through my lunch.
Happy early birthday!!!!
You better not come back looking like a hungry hungry hippo eating all those pasteries..lol. And happy be-lated bday. =)
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