Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tick tock tick tock tick tock

The hook from Madonna's "4 Minutes" reverberates in my head as I think of all that needs to be done before I leave on the 5th for the grand return to Paris.
  • Clean out closet (full of old clothes)
  • Throw out old clothes (create more space for room while packing)
  • Buy new ones (sounds like fun now, but I know it won't be when I see that credit card statement)
  • Pack clothes
  • Personal appointments (doctor, etc)
But the most important item on the to-do list would be to have one last hurrah with the friends and family. With less than 11 days before my flight, I am wondering how I'm going to pull this off, but I know it'll be worth it. Maybe I could have a last-minute get together for family members this Sunday at the house, followed by a simple dinner somewhere between Athens and Atlanta next week. Nothing too expensive of course, as I'll have plenty of time for meals I can't afford once I'm back in Paris.

Funny thing is, I'm not at all nervous about leaving home. I'm nervous about re-acclimating to Paris, for sure, but I know I'll be leaving everything on a good note, and that the ones I love will not only support me while I'm gone, but that they'll be waiting for me when I get back.

Hmm....1:30 in the morning and I'm sitting on the bed surrounded by clothes, both clean and dirty. Damn, I wish I was better about being organized.

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